

General information

Currently we ship to the following destinations:

  • Europe: all countries of the European Union (EU), Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK)

Shipping costs

Shipping charges are calculated at checkout based on order value and shipping location (see overview of charges).

  • Deutschland: kostenloser Versand für alle Bestellungen über 50 € (sonst: 4,99 €)
  • EU (Europäische Union): kostenloser Standardversand für alle Bestellungen über 80 € (sonst: 7,49 €)
  • Norwegen, Schweiz und Vereinigtes Königreich (UK): kostenloser Standardversand für alle Bestellungen über 80 € (sonst: 13,49 €)

Delivery times

All our orders are shipped within the same business day or next day once payment is processed and confirmed. Delivery times for different countries/regions are shown below:

  • Germany: 2-4 working days
  • EU, Norway and Switzerland: 2-8 working days
  • United Kingdom: 8-12 working days

Taxes & Duties

VAT is charged on all orders within the European Union. All prices quoted on the website are inclusive of VAT.

All orders shipped outside the EU will be charged without VAT.

Please also note that all duties and taxes incurred in the country of destination are the responsibility of the customer.

Unfortunately, we have limited control over these charges and cannot say what they are as they vary by country and local authorities.

The customer assumes full liability for all postal charges, return shipping costs, customs duties and handling fees if they refuse to accept a parcel due to import duties or taxes.